Solutions to Number Theory and Counting questions

Given below are the solutions to these Number theory questions.

1. From the digits 2,3,4,5,6 and 7, how many 5-digit numbers can be formed that have distinct digits and are multiples of 12?

Any multiple of 12 should be a multiple of 4 and 3. First, let us look at the constraint for a number being a multiple of 3. Sum of the digits should be a multiple of 3. Sum of all numbers from 2 to 7 is 27. So, if we have to drop a digit and still retain a multiple of 3, we should drop either 3 or 6.

So, the possible 5 digits are 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.

When the digits are 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. the last two digits possible for the number to be a multiple of 4 are 24, 64, 52, 72, 56, 76. For each of these combinations, there are 6 different numbers possible. So, with this set of 5 digits we can have 36 different numbers

When the digits are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. the last two digits possible for the number to be a multiple of 4 are 32, 52, 72, 24. For each of these combinations, there are 6 different numbers possible. So, with this set of 5 digits we can have 24 different numbers

Overall, there are 60 different 5-digit numbers possible

2. All numbers from 1 to 200 (in decimal system) are written in base 6 and base 7 systems. How many of the numbers will have a non-zero units digit in both base 6 and base 7 notations?

If a number written in base 6 ends with a zero, it should be a multiple of 6. In other words, the question wants us to find all numbers from 1 to 200 that are not multiples of 6 or 7. There are 33 multiples of 6 less than 201. There are 28 multiples of 7 less than 201. There are 4 multiples of 6 & 7 (or multiple of 42) from 1 to 200.

So, total multiples of 6 or 7 less than 201 = 33 + 28 - 4 = 57. Number of numbers with non-zero units digit = 200-57 = 143.

3. All numbers from 1 to 150 (in decimal system) are written in base 6 notation. How many of these will not contain any zero?

Any multiple of 6 will end in a zero. There are 25 such numbers. Beyond this, we can have zero as the middle digit of a 3-digit number. This will be the case for numbers from 37-41, 73-77, 109-113 and 145-149. There are 20 such numbers. Overall, there are 45 numbers that have a zero in them.

4. How many factors of 1080 are perfect squares?

1080 = 2^3 * 3^3 * 5. For any perfect square, all the powers of the primes have to be even numbers. So, if the factor is of the form 2^a * 3^b * 5^c. The values 'a' can take are 0 and 2, b can take are 0 and 2, and c can take the value 0. Totally there are 4 possibilities. 1, 4, 9, and 36.

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IIM CAT Preparation Tips: Solutions to Number Theory and Counting questions

Jun 4, 2011

Solutions to Number Theory and Counting questions

Given below are the solutions to these Number theory questions.

1. From the digits 2,3,4,5,6 and 7, how many 5-digit numbers can be formed that have distinct digits and are multiples of 12?

Any multiple of 12 should be a multiple of 4 and 3. First, let us look at the constraint for a number being a multiple of 3. Sum of the digits should be a multiple of 3. Sum of all numbers from 2 to 7 is 27. So, if we have to drop a digit and still retain a multiple of 3, we should drop either 3 or 6.

So, the possible 5 digits are 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 2, 3, 4, 5, 7.

When the digits are 2, 4, 5, 6, 7. the last two digits possible for the number to be a multiple of 4 are 24, 64, 52, 72, 56, 76. For each of these combinations, there are 6 different numbers possible. So, with this set of 5 digits we can have 36 different numbers

When the digits are 2, 3, 4, 5, 7. the last two digits possible for the number to be a multiple of 4 are 32, 52, 72, 24. For each of these combinations, there are 6 different numbers possible. So, with this set of 5 digits we can have 24 different numbers

Overall, there are 60 different 5-digit numbers possible

2. All numbers from 1 to 200 (in decimal system) are written in base 6 and base 7 systems. How many of the numbers will have a non-zero units digit in both base 6 and base 7 notations?

If a number written in base 6 ends with a zero, it should be a multiple of 6. In other words, the question wants us to find all numbers from 1 to 200 that are not multiples of 6 or 7. There are 33 multiples of 6 less than 201. There are 28 multiples of 7 less than 201. There are 4 multiples of 6 & 7 (or multiple of 42) from 1 to 200.

So, total multiples of 6 or 7 less than 201 = 33 + 28 - 4 = 57. Number of numbers with non-zero units digit = 200-57 = 143.

3. All numbers from 1 to 150 (in decimal system) are written in base 6 notation. How many of these will not contain any zero?

Any multiple of 6 will end in a zero. There are 25 such numbers. Beyond this, we can have zero as the middle digit of a 3-digit number. This will be the case for numbers from 37-41, 73-77, 109-113 and 145-149. There are 20 such numbers. Overall, there are 45 numbers that have a zero in them.

4. How many factors of 1080 are perfect squares?

1080 = 2^3 * 3^3 * 5. For any perfect square, all the powers of the primes have to be even numbers. So, if the factor is of the form 2^a * 3^b * 5^c. The values 'a' can take are 0 and 2, b can take are 0 and 2, and c can take the value 0. Totally there are 4 possibilities. 1, 4, 9, and 36.

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